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Synthetic Aperture Radar

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has become essential for remote sensing across both military and remote sensing applications. Advances in platform, sensor and processing technologies are leading a revolution in this area, and across the UK, there is a breadth of expertise in government, industry and academia to develop and exploit SAR data.  However, there are currently few cross-linkages between these groups and opportunities to share our aims, innovations, problems and solutions are rare.


The aim of the SAR Focus Group is to build a cohesive UK SAR community under the EMSIG banner, to enable dissemination of products and results, foster co-operation, and overall to support a critical mass for this thriving sector in the UK which can be agenda-setting.


Our topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • SAR image formation

  • SAR systems and system concepts

  • Bi-/Multi-static SAR

  • Automatic exploitation

  • SAR applications

  • SAR remote sensing


  • SAR polarimetry

  • SAR interferometry and interferometric change detection

Ali Bekar

High-Resolution Drone-Borne SAR using Off the-Shelf High-Frequency Radars


Ali Bekar, Michail Antoniou, Christopher J. Baker



Student Paper (2nd Prize),

IEEE Radar Conf. 2021


Mike A.jpg

Dr. Mike Antoniou received the B.Eng.(Hons.) degree in electronic and communications engineering and the Ph.D. degree in radar sensors and systems from the University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K., in 2003 and 2007, respectively. From 2006 to 2011, he was a Research Fellow with the Microwave Integrated Systems Laboratory, University of Birmingham. Since 2011, he has been with the Department of Electronic, Electrical, and Systems Engineering, University of Birmingham, where he is currently a Senior Lecturer in RF Sensing Systems. Dr. Antoniou has more than 90 publications in peer reviewed international journals and conferences, and he has led research grants funded by the European Commission, the European Space Agency, the U.K. MoD and the British Council, as well as direct industrial grants in this area. He is a member of two NATO SET Panels, and a Senior Member of the IEEE.


Darren Coe joined the Defence Research Agency in Malvern to work on SAR and GMTI systems. Over nearly three decades he has contributed to surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting programmes, leading R&D teams in the development of these essential technologies. He is a QinetiQ Fellow of Airborne Radar, with expertise in system design, signal processing and exploitation within a military context.

Mike Antoniou

Darren Coe

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