EMSIG Symposium 2022
This will be the first in person symposium for the EMSIG in a number of years. It will be at Mary Ward House, London (https://www.marywardhouse.com/new-index). This will be a IN-PERSON event only and will run from 9am-5pm on and including coffee breaks & lunch at the venue.
Here is the link for the EMSIG in person 2022 Symposium
YOU CAN ONLY ATTEND IF YOU HAVE REGISTERED ON EVENTBRITE. We have limited capacity at the venue so PLEASE let us know if you can no longer attend to ensure we can manage these spaces.
The structure of the event will be a combination of EMSIG updates, technical talks, poster sessions & networking opportunities. I hope to see a strong turn out from the EMSIG members as this will be the first in-person event in some time. A separate link will be shared for PhDs that are attending to submit their poster title and confirm they are bring one. I believe we have space for up to 25 posters and I will check with the venue. Therefore we need to ensure we don’t end up with too many, or arrange for two parts to the poster session to allow for posters to rotate.
The agenda currently looks like the following:
9am Coffee / registration
Presentations 10am-11am - Single speaker, microphone required
Welcome address / EMSIG constitution mentioned
EMSIG focus groups reminder of who they are / what they do / advertise for further membership
Poster session - 11am - 12:30pm Poster stands for research posters to be presented
Lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm
Presentations 1:30pm - 3pm.
Talk 1 - TBC
Nial Peters / Colin Horne –“Multi-Function RF Sensing – ARESTOR” - UCL
Alexander Giles – “Dual-Use UWB Sense Through The Wall Technology” – Iceni labs Limited
Talk 4 - TBC
Coffee break 3pm - 3:30pm
Presentations 3:30pm - 4:30pm
PhD Poster Prize Award
Marina Gashinova - Multi-Dimensional ISAR Imagery From Space To Space – Mars – University of Birmingham.
Military Advisor Talk – Maj Joseph Brazier / Maj Gavin Smyth
Simon George – Space Situational Awareness Sensing - Dstl
Wrap up at 5pm